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Current Land Tax Situation 2019

So they’re telling me the Judge allowed this split of land that Richard Neal claimed for himself. On the right is the trailer home. According to the purchase agreement, it was supposed to be maintained for family use, but since Mr. Neal claimed the land, I was never able to gain access. Also notice how he’s carved out the barn area for himself, AND half of the front yard. Zoom in and look close. Ruthie used to tell me he’d be up there threatening her, now I see why.

Despite numerous requests, I have been unable to find out who has been paying the taxes until now and/or who changed the payments over to me, but I’m expected to pay the taxes before Spring or Mr. Neal can scoop up the last of it. I’ve asked the Assessor, Sheriff office, numerous messages for Mr. Hough, and I’ve even talked to Jean Butcher. No one will answer me about why, now in year TEN, I’m the one who needs to pay or literally, lose the family farm. I’ve left enough messages yet none get returned.

I’m sure there is already a plan in place between Mr. Neal and my siblings. Don’t forget, Mommy dearest IS Counsel for the family. I don’t think I was ever supposed to even receive these tax bills (sent separately to two wrong addresses, let alone ask any questions. – Update 12/17/2019

Despite repeated requests over the past nine years asking to be sent a copy, to be included in and aware of the land taxes on our family property. Copies were grudgingly sent, bearing the name and address of the ‘buyer’ and ‘seller’.

Suddenly, just this year and out of the blue, the tax bill was sent to ME!! Not just a copy, but the actual bill.

Since the Prosecutor plainly said the land was never legally divided into separate portions when the ‘sale’ was made, the tax bill still shows the acreage as all one 42 acre plot with various ‘sections’.

If Mr. Neal legally bought that land, shouldn’t it now be separate from the tax bill I’m currently being asked to pay? And when was the last Assessment on the property they’re now billing me for? I couldn’t get an answer for that either.

Why all of a sudden? Who changed the address and sent the bill to me at the wrong name and two separate addresses? I’ve asked the Clerk, the Prosecutor, the Sheriff, the town Assessor, the secretary, and still no answer. Yet. I’ve been waiting on the Prosecutor for more than 3 weeks now, and six messages left on his office answering machine.

Last we spoke he was going to ‘tease out’ the information from behind the scenes and let me know, and that’s the last I heard.

Maybe … just maybe, if the bill never arrived, Someone would be able to buy the remaining land cheap in the spring for back taxes, and no property division needed! Voila!

That’s how they do it in Gilmer County.

11/26/2019 – update – still not one call back from Gilmer County regarding this tax situation. Not one word from Crooked County.

1/25/20 – After months of asking questions, recently requested (and received within just days) the tax bill for 2018. Apparently the rates sky rocketed since it’s no longer a farm and no one lives there. So for the approximate 9 acres they say the family still owns, the taxes are approximately $1,300 to be paid by ME, while Mr. Neal and his 30+ acres, occupied, with a ‘farm’, only has to pay $230.

It’s my opinion, this is how small estates get ‘dissolved’ in that county. When I spoke to the woman in the Sherriff’s office to Insist on sending me a proper bill, one of the things she said is “I assume you’re not going to pay” as a statement, not a question. Why would she ASSUME that? I was asking questions. Asked, but ignored and won’t receive, tax payments for the last 10 years. Who paid, where were the bills sent. I have Many questions still unanswered.

My biggest question I asked and was not answered, I asked about the assessment MONTHS ago. This information wasn’t apparently available. So When was the new assessment done to Hugely increase the taxes, and why wasn’t I sent any notification of That? Or WAS it sent to someone who no longer wants to pay in the newer, highly taxed area?


8/20/20 – I call to ask how much is it to pay the rest of the taxes, they tell me my name is NOT ON the paperwork for the land. When did this happen? They would not tell me. I paid half the bill and now Mark Cottrill is having it sent to him, AGAIN? He didn’t pay last years taxes, Richard Neal did. Then they got sent to me, (sent to two different wrong addresses so a miracle I got them at all. I assume I wasn’t meant to and the land could have been bought for back taxes. But I paid half and now they send the whole Back to Mark, AGAIN? can you say dirty deals? Mark Cottrill , Sally Cottrill Bozeat Esq. with a little help from a very Crooked County via Assessor, Prosecutor, Deputy and Commission. Every single one knows what’s happening, but it sure isn’t Justice. That’s how estates just ‘disappear’ in good ole West by God, Virginia hollers. Taking advantage of people who can’t read, write or even have acess to internet. . Even Prosecutor Jerry Hough said so, on public video and since he has his Own real real estate business himself, he would know.

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