Was Ruthie paid to Leave? I think maybe. At some point in 2019 Ruth left the property with no forwarding address or notice. That’s not like her. We have been in constant contact over these years, but I can’t blame her. She was in poor health and struggled for a good long time against people who didn’t want her there. So they let the place completely decline until she had no other choice. I wonder how much they paid her?
Then.. when Ruthie’s FINALLY gone.. suddenly, the place gets a new tax assessment that causes the tax rate to go through the roof. That tax bill got sent to me but at two different addresses. Now the Gilmer County Assessor seems to have changed some documents and will not answer my questions as to WHY, and it looks pretty shady, so I guess we’re going to Court.
And so it goes in Crooked County,
It was just before the middle of February when Ruth Mitchell was forced out of her home in 2015 and had to stay out until it could be inspected by the EPA and pass inspection which cost almost 700 bucks. The Gilmer County Sheriff office made a mistake and should have had to pay the inspection fee, but Ruth Mitchell had to pay it out of her own pocket.
ALSO, for the 31 days it took before Mitchell could move back in the Goatman had been riding his 4 wheeler all over the property and said that the Gilmer County Sheriffs office said it was OK and that he should keep an eye on it. LATER the Sheriffs office denied they told the GOATMAN anything, or gave permission to trespass, so that was ALL the GOATMAN. That was when we started thinking the Goatman had a plan to burn Ruth out, and then what do you know the furnace catches on fire not too long ago, and upon further inspection the matter looked like arson.
This is only a small part of this Crooked County true story. They knew this elderly lady with Parkinson’s didn’t have a meth lab, they were already told that it was across the road. She had no family, no where to go, living on $650 a month disability check.
They wanted her GONE so they could sell the place, no matter what it was gonna take.
She was a nice lady, wish things could have been better.
She would have left her little home eventually cuz she was afraid ..
Those people who had her move out owe her the value of rent free for life ..
Yes, and now, since there was zero maintenance, even though it was specified by the Will – was never followed up on by the Executor OR anyone legally involved in this disaster. Now the property since abandoned and falling down and in Gilmer County, this apparently means the taxes get jacked up by over $1,000. Following the paper trail now. We’re going to Court.