Next thing I know, and just a few months later – the price was drastically reduced, and no offer for Willard’s oldest daughter to purchase the property for such a low price.
Note: I had to go to Court to get copies of the above information, none had been shared with me. I had no knowledge.
Interesting to note that this property was never offered to Willard’s eldest daughter for $40,000.
Also, it should be noted, that this purchase agreement states that there is ‘no survey currently available’. It is my understanding that Mr. Neal, in frustration and greed, had his own survey done when the ‘sellers’ weren’t coming forth with the survey.
Apparently, Mr. Neal laid out the lines himself of what was to be surveyed, what he Wanted.. This left no way for the Cottrill family to access their mobile home that sits on that property and next door to Mr. Neal.
When Mr. Neal was told he had no right to rent that trailer, once very nice (I have pictures) the Executor ignored it from day one so now 9 years later, it’s trashed. The purchase agreement and current survey on record do not match.
Why would a mother, also acting as legal Counsel for the ‘family’, help 3 of her 4 children sell their legacy for so little, and in such a vindictive way?
There was NO ISSUE between daughter and family until the day Willard died. Suddenly, real faces were shown, and they had no soul.
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